List Admin Manufacturer Products extension adds an products link to manufacturers list in admin area.
Now you can simply click the link in manufacturers list and manufacturer products will be shown.
If you are using OpenCart 1.5.x then you will need to install vQmod extension. You can get it HERE.
Just copy xml file to vQmod xml folder.
If something goes wrong – you can rename .xml file like .xml~ (it will disable plugin) and then contact me with your issue.
If you are using OpenCart 2.x then you can use integrated modification engine.
Just open Admin backend and go to Extensions -> Extension Installer. Upload ocmod.xml file. Then go to Modifications and press the Refresh button.
That’s all. Extension is enabled now.
Enjoy List Admin Manufacturer Products =)
robbrich –
Thank you for fixing the issue so quickly. This extension works exactly how I hoped it would, and made cross-checking products to manufacturers incredibly easy! I totally recommend this!
pukkadigital –
Excellent extension, exactly what is needed. great support too.