Categories SpeedUP for OpenCart is a small module with big ambitions =)
Really speeds up category pages in several times.
You can easily check it if you have hundreds of categories (and perhaps thousands).
The principle of Categories SpeedUP for OpenCart operation is based on the removal of some unnecessary calculations.
If you are using OpenCart 1.5.x then you will need to install vQmod extension. You can get it HERE.
Just copy xml file to vQmod xml folder.
If something goes wrong – you can rename .xml file like .xml~ (it will disable plugin) and then contact me with your issue.
If you are using OpenCart 2.x then you can use integrated modification engine.
Just open Admin backend and go to Extensions -> Extension Installer. Upload ocmod.xml file. Then go to Modifications and press the Refresh button.
That’s all. Extension is enabled now.
Enjoy =)
KatGirl –
One of the nicest developers I’ve ever dealt with. Truly, Krill is outstanding and smart and he fixed my site in the shortest time frame I’ve ever seen. He even recommended how I can improve things, and he also fixed a module that wasn’t even his just to help speed my site along.
Gosh, I wish all developers where as nice as him! 5 stars for his mod + another 5 because he gave 110% support without expecting anything in return.
pcrun –
Fantastic Extension.
Thanks a lot.
cozziemo –
Kirill, You are absolutely amazing and your support is wonderful. For anyone considering working with this developer or purchasing his Modules, you will get a high level of support and quick resolving solutions. Thanks so much Kirill will definitely have more work for you moving forward
AusHoldCo/BLA –
Fantastic! My store went from 19.88s load time to 2.76s and from ‘faster than 6% of websites’ to ‘Faster than 55% of website’ I still have to optimise images but this plugin has just made my categories pages SUPER fast! Store with 20,000+ products. Thanks Kirill!
julianna88 –
One of the best extensions I’ve purchased in a while! Installation was super fast ( with NO problems and the module did well . it makes our category speed up faster than before from 11S to 3.5S..Super! Five stars+